Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hail to the Redskins

I have been a fan (truly a fanatic fan) since 1950 when I was born.  Well let's be honest.  I probably was not a fan until I was old enough to sit up in the rocking chair with my grandfather Pappy, so make that 1951.  I will never say that we are a pitiful team; however, there have been some sorrowful years.  But, oh, have there been some glory years.  There have been Super Bowls and Pro-Bowls.  We have had the Hogs and the Fun Bunch but none more wonderful than The Over the Hill Gang.

No one has to remind me that they were old retreads hanging on my their last shoe laces, but they brought something almost better than wins.  They brought hope.  Hope is something we are sorely lacking now.  Oh I HOPE we will beat the Giants today.  That kind of hope ranks right up there with "I hope I will win the lottery" and "I hope I will lose weight this year."  The hope we need is that of a wobbly Billy Kilmer pass, an "I Like Billy/I Like Sonny" tussle, a Dancing Bear lumbering down the field and that is the hope we lack.  The Redskins need some characters  Oh they need some character too, but that is another post.  What they need is the underdog that inspires enthusiasm not pity.  We need an owner who is not afraid to spend money on players his coaches want.

I worked once with a guy who loved to bet on games, not just football but any sporting event.  I think in his spare time he was a bookie/numbers runner but I am not sure.  He told me I would never win money as long as I bet with my heart not my head.  Mr. Snyder you need to follow that advice.  I am not insinuating that Dan Snyder is betting on games.  I have no doubt he wants a winner as much as I do (at least I hope so).  What I mean is that Mr. Snyder you are a fan.  You buy and sign with your heart not your head.  Leave the figuring to the experts and you worry about the figures.  I do not know if Bruce Allen is as smart as his father, but the bloodlines are there so give him a chance.  Enjoy your owner's box.  Count your money.  Sign the checks.  Let the experts do their things.

Oh, and Mr. Snyder one more thing.  Nobody likes a tattletale.  Talk to your players.  Ask about their families, their charities, their interests.  Do not listen to tales from the locker room.  That is beneath your dignity.  If you have a question or a concern, take a page from the military play book:  Follow the chain of command.  It goes both ways.

I hope for a good 2011 season.  I hope we win the Super Bowl next year.  I hope I win the lottery.  I will lose weight.

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